Borygo Truck
All-season vehicle radiator fluid BORYGO is a widely known and respected brand. It is a versatile formulation which is widely used in vehicle engine cooling systems
Various capacities - for convenience
Why is it worth it?
Borygo Truck is the first Polish fluid dedicated for specific engine types. Due to the precisely selected composition of corrosion inhibitors and additives, it is designed for tough working conditions, which internal combustion engines of trucks and heavy construction equipment are subject to.
Frost protection
Borygo Truck is produced based on ethylene glycol, which provides protection against frost up to -35°C. It contains a set of anti-corrosion, anti-foaming additives, as well as additives that ensure adequate alkaline reserve to prevent acidification of the fluid during operation. The product is covered by a 3-year manufacturer's warranty.
Protection in difficult conditions
The purpose of the fluid is not only to cool the engine, but also to take heat from the engine and transmission oil cooler, and often heating and air conditioning. Due to the precisely selected composition of corrosion inhibitors and performance chemicals, it is designed for tough working conditions, which internal combustion engines of trucks and heavy construction equipment are subject to.
Specialised radiator fluid
Indispensable in the engine cooling systems of vans, trucks, and heavy construction machinery.
Borygo is not only a known brand
BORYGO is a symbol that stands for good and reliable coolants, used for years in passenger cars and trucks. BORYGO offer is addressed not only to the individual customer, but also to companies and car, bus, tractors, and construction equipment manufacturing plants.
Automotive fluids - for radiators, washers, and brake fluids
A group of automotive products manufactured in Boryszew ERG, in addition to coolants, also includes specialized windscreen washer fluids Borygo for windscreen washing and brake fluids.
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Boryszew S.A. Oddział Boryszew ERG w Sochaczewie
ul. 15 Sierpnia 106, 96-500 Sochaczew